Saturday, December 20, 2008

me and my family

I'm new to this bloging thing, but we're off topic, my family is funny, not Mike Myers funny but funnier. On that topic my dad broke his leg but I never hear him whine, my eldest brother Storm, on the other hand is pretty good at it. My 2nd eldest brother Devin is an experienced pro cluts, if theres something to trip over or hurt himself on he does a pretty bang up job, litarely, at hitting it. My mom is going back to school to get a well deserved education and well paying job. Last time she went to school she almost graduated but before she could she got pregnant with me, but regardles of any circumstances her love is forever induring. So no matter how crazy, whiny, or comical, this is my family and I love them all just the way they are.


  1. What a sweet post! I am so proud of all of my boys!

  2. Sounds like a fun family. You need to write more stories.
